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 It takes a village 

Your support of the work of Canadian Physicians  for Aid and Relief is vital to our efforts to improve health outcomes in low resource areas in Africa.

Canadians have supported CPAR for almost 40 years and the work we've done together has impacted thousands of lives in Malawi, Ethiopia and Tanzania.


Put Health and Hope in the hands of those who need it most


Suite 401 - 240 Bank Street

Ottawa, ON,  K2P 1X4


Gifts can be made by cheque or monthly direct debit by enclosing a void cheque.


Make a tax deductible donation‏:


It's easy to donate offline, too.

Tel: 416-369-0865

Monthly Giving

Monthly Giving

Monthly donors are extremely valuable to CPAR. Through their donations, they ensure a steady source of support for programs and help create sustainable change through partnerships with vulnerable communities.


Become a monthly donor today!


Sign up or contact a Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief staff member by calling 416-369-0865. You can make your gift via credit card or direct debit from your bank. You can also change your gift or cancel it at anytime.

Monthly donations are the most effective way to give:

  • A consistent and reliable source of support which provides CPAR with the ability to respond to changes efficiently and effectively.   

  • Enhances our ability to make longer term plans to ensure consistency in our programs.

You’ll also receive:

  • A single tax receipt in early February each year

  • Regular email updates  and stories from our partner communities. (For donors without an email address, watch for mailed updates annually.)

  • CPAR’s Reports


Need to update your information?
Recently moved or need to change your financial information? Please contact our team! You can call us as 416-369-0865 or email us at  Keeping your information accurate and up-to-date helps ensure that there is no interruption to your monthly contributions, receipts and monthly donor updates.


Thank you for your commitment of support. Together we can build healthy communities in Africa!


You can cancel your monthly contributions at any time by contacting CPAR. Cancellation notice must be received five business days before the next scheduled debit date.

Donor Services

Thank you for sharing our vision of healthy communities in Africa. Your passion and commitment to change has led to life changing programs that have deeply touched the lives of African families and their communities.


New Donors

We would like to extend a warm welcome to new donors. Thank you for joining us in building healthy communities in Africa through stronger health systems.


We encourage you to keep updated on the successes you are making possible through our seasonal newsletters and stories on our website and through our social media channels: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and now, Threads.



Donor information update

If you need to update:

  • Personal information such as your mailing address, email, phone number

  • Financial details like updating your credit card and banking details

  • Make up missed monthly donations

Please call 416-369-0865 or email Our team will be more than happy to update your information!

Thank you once again for choosing to change lives and build healthy communities in Africa with your donation to CPAR!


Please note that only donations of $10 or more will be receipted.


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Other Ways To Help

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Planned Giving

Planned Giving is part of overall financial and estate planning; it can help establish your legacy and continue your commitment to eradicating poverty.


By making a planned gift through your estate or assets such as securities or RRSPs, you can establish a legacy while making a lasting impact on the lives of families in Africa.


​Your gift will allow CPAR to plan for future programming, ensuring that the organization’s 30 plus years of programming continues to help families today and for generations to come. Arranging a legacy gift is easy to do and you can receive a tax credit that will ease the tax burden on your heirs.

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Gift Of Change

When CPAR was considering our annual Gifts of Change holiday appeal, we thought about what mattered most to all of us and the decision was an easy one. As a physician-founded organization we are dedicated to improving the health outcomes of the people we serve. That means reducing the risk of mother and infant mortality. It means access to nutritious food and the knowledge to produce it. It means protecting women and girls from customs which limit their potential and sometimes endanger their lives. And finally, it means access to life's foundational need - clean and fresh water.


And we realized that none of these goals are 'things'. They are knowledge, empowerment, support and education. And, like health, they too are priceless.


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Community Fundraising

Community fundraising is a fun way to raise awareness and money for a project you care about. There are many ways you can fundraise and make a meaningful impact. You can organize a charity run/walk, a special dinner, have a bake sale or organize a car wash. The possibilities are endless!

Small Acts,
Big Impact

"It gives one hope, this great strength of Africa." 

-Stephen Lewis, former Canadian ambassador to the United Nations  


For over 35 years, Canadian Physicians for Aid and Relief have worked with the African people in Ethiopia, Malawi and Tanzania, and our hope has never faded.

We have witnessed transformations – large and small – that have brought safe, clean water to communities where the source of life was also a source of disease.

We have seen women take on leadership roles in their villages, marshalling the knowledge and the know how to bring economic stability and healthy livelihoods to their communities.

We have seen African medical professionals work creatively and responsibly to overcome obstacles to deliver life-saving care.

And we have taken note of something else Mr. Lewis has remarked upon:

"It is always the village women who drive these things."

In the world of international NGOs, CPAR would be considered a small charity. But we embrace the flexibility and speed that comes from a lean and responsive organization which seeks solutions and is willing to invest in the communities that will safeguard them.

We recognize too that most of our donors are giving personally meaningful gifts - regardless of size - and the power of small gifts and big ideas to make lasting change are how we will make big impact together. 

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+1 (416) 369-0865


Canadian Charitable Registration Number

11883 5230 RR0001

401-240 Bank Street
Ottawa, ON 

K2P 1X4

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